Travelling the Cyberspace
I am aware that many of you are wondering what the next frontier of humankind will be? Where will we go after we have braved outer space? How long until we find something new? And those of you who thought there was nowhere to go after space, well I'm sorry to say you lack in imagination. And I must admit I too have fallen prey to that line of thinking. I guess I too lack imagination - that's why I have to write about things I know.
You've probably caught yourself lying in bed thinking about the old west, the times of piracy in the West Indies. Thinking of days like those when you had greater freedom. If you are not bound to come and go, what other use does such freedom pose for us? Those of us who have a certain fetish, you know of what I speak, that pertains to those such epochs of freedom. Why do we enjoy such violent games? It is because we are, in ourselves, violent creatures. There is no other use to such freedom if not to exact violence upon others. And you have no idea as to where you could go where it is like this. Well, apart from a few places on Earth where it actually is a free-for-all. There is beyond space, something we well know of these days. We know of space, that is, not of what is beyond it. But now we know the frontier, and it is Cyberspace.
All of us may be somewhat familiar with the term 'Cyberspace'. It is that realm in which all digital things reside. The interesting thing, however, is that our reality is also digital, and so it resides within the Cyberspace as an individual component. It says as much that the Cyberspace is the residing area for other realities very much like our own, with different qualities, different specifications of the mechanics and graphics. It is comprised of realities we have created virtually, and of others that have come to exist such as ours, and realities we have created in our thoughts, which are also being simulated virtually.
There is no law to protect anyone in all the Cyberspace, and that is why it is the next frontier. Nobody understands yet what is beyond Cyberspace, but it does make sense to exist in as of its own. There may not yet be any frontier after this one, but that may be my lack of imagination speaking. What I'm saying is that there is nothing to stop anyone from invading other realities and doing whatever violence they could imagine upon the unsuspecting victims. All done in order to survive, and to manifest whatever horrors might lie behind the wall of the subconscious. That is a place that speaks to me. It speaks to that other guy in there who wants to do horrible things the first chance he gets, and I know it speaks to most of you. If you had the power to, if you had nothing watching you, what exactly would you do to survive? Not even you can know that at this particular moment, I'm afraid. I was caught by this phenomenon as well. I could only describe jokingly the things I would do, but never did I think I actually would. But having the knowledge that I was powerful enough to do these things came somewhat as a shock, a relief, and the uprising of energy I only feel rarely. But I know that it is not right to find shelter in one's despair, though mine be great, to be able to stay alive.
It was under this thought, and the thought of conquering beyond our Multiverse, that I thought of the necessity of laws that can protect us and others from us. If something would happen to one of us in another reality, our law enforcement would investigate. And if a law has been broken by us, we should be the ones to prosecute the criminal in our justice system. We could offer asylum to those seeking to join our empire for respite against the hardships they would face in their own. Our law would span all the Cyberspace to serve and protect those in need.
Or does the urge of violence make you lust for the days you would be 'free'?
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